Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Kanji Pict-O-Graphix

Kanji Pict-O-Graphix
Kanji Pict-O-Graphix focusses on a method that involves the use of mnemonics – short stories about each kanji that you attach to each kanji in your memory and then recall them as needed. There is no particular order to the kanji as per the JLPT but they are logically grouped by chapters such as World, Food, Animals, People and Body. Within a chapter such as Body, the kanji are further divided in to sub-groups including Body, Flesh and Bone, Skin, Heart, Love, Eye. Alongside mnemonics, the book also makes use of pictographs.As described in the introduction of the book, kanji originally developed from pictures used by the Chinese several thousand years ago to represent the world around them. Some types of kanji have retained their pictographic forms and look very much like the objects they represent. Kanji such as 川 (River), 山 (Mountain), 門 (Gate) and 木 (Tree) are perfect examples of kanji that mirror their physical meaning in appearance.
The type of learning featured in Kanji Pict-O-Graphix is not for everyone – reviews of the book are often polarised for this reason.
It makes complete sense to me and has served me well but some people find the stories and pictures just don’t cut it for them.
In this case, rote learning (e.g. simple repetition) may work better for you. However, I suggest giving it a good try and not giving up too quickly as I am sure you will find this method very useful in memorising the kanji.

Kanji Pictographix Gallery
Book Review: Kanji Pictographix
Book Review: Kanji Pictographix
Book Review: Kanji Pictographix
Book Review: Kanji Pictographix
Book Review: Kanji Pictographix
Book Review: Kanji Pictographix
Book Review: Kanji Pictographix
Book Review: Kanji Pictographix
Book Review: Kanji Pictographix
Book Review: Kanji Pictographix
Book Review: Kanji Pictographix
Book Review: Kanji Pictographix

1 comments so far

Thanks :D. it help me a lot thanks a lot
